Recently, I spent a few days exploring with the Leica Q3 as my trusted companion, putting it through its paces to discover just how it performs as an everyday camera. My mission was to film 90% of the video using the Q3 while also taking photos, with the exception of the talking head and b-roll detail, which was filmed in the studio. After these few days, I’ve gathered my initial thoughts about the camera, which i am excited to share with you all. 

Below you will find sample photos from each day spent with the new Leica Q3 and a brief explanation of the different situations and areas I explored with the Leica Q3. 

If you haven’t already, I’d highly encourage you to subscribe to Camera West TV for future videos on the Q3 and other Leica gear! 


Day 1

Armed with these features, I embarked on my journey with the Q3. On the first day, I filmed skate footage and motion tests, keeping the optical stabilization off. I photographed at night and shot video samples using the crop modes – all handheld. I found that the ISO 6400 served well for photos and video, even pushing it up to ISO 12500 for video.

Day 2

During the second day, as I walked around Chinatown/North Beach, the Q3 proved to be a worthy companion. The tilt screen came in handy, and the autofocus system demonstrated its speed and responsiveness.

Day 3

On the third day, I shot mainly video samples and discovered that the optical stabilization worked best for still video and tended to produce jello-like footage when moving. It did, however, effectively minimize camera shake while shooting in the crop modes.

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Day 4

Finally, on the fourth day, I shot photos and videos at the chaotic Bay to Breakers event. I found the optical stabilizer more advantageous for night video, delivering better results than on the first day.